

You found the about page!

I'm alostvagabond, professional internet person, master of science in computer science, part-time blogger, part-time vlogger, and full-time dumbass. I'm an avid video game enjoyer, music lover, and amateur photographer. While I do have plenty of websites that I express these interests, those are a lot more professional. I need a place where I can express my interests a lot more casually. I ended up making a blog at the start of 2024 to help remedy this, but again, I can't gush about the things I love on there. I've posted super casual photos, talked about my day, and mentioned what's on my mind. And while it does scratch that itch, it still feels more professional than I want it to be. In March of 2024, I took a real deep dive into Neocities and absolutely fell in love with it. It's a place where casual blogging is absolutely encouraged. One of the sites that heavily inspired me was Satchell Drakes's blog. I obsessed over it, however after nearly 2 years of the first post, he hasn't updated the site since. So I set off to create my own.

So here you'll find posts that don't fit any of my many websites. The most casual candid photographs. Whatever album I just discovered. A show I decided to watch on a whim. Or a game that I'm playing. Maybe one day I'll add a movies and books section, but I'm not the biggest cinephile, nor do I read more than 5 books a year. Here I feel like I can rant about my day about an utterly mundane thought that I don't need to spend more than 10 minutes writing about. Although having to create a new html page every time might prove a bit more tedious, I'm willing to make that compromise.

I hope that you will enjoy your time here.
And as always, Be A Real Person.


Many thanks to the following people for inspiring this site.