
June 2024

June 30th, 2024

It’s been 6 months since I first started a blog. A real blog, not a microblog, nor a tumblr blog. While I've not abandoned any of my many websites, none of them fit the theme of what I'm going for. I want a place that's much more casual than anywhere else.

I’ve been on the internet all my life, much of it was spent diving deep into the ever expanding ocean we call the world wide web. It’s an astonishingly beautiful place, and I’ve explored every corner of it. However, it grows in size every day. And yet at times, it feels like it’s moving backwards.

Web 3.0 is what all the cool kids are talking about. All this talk of blockchain and decentralization, it's all so overwhelming.

I miss the days of Web 1.0 and early 2.0 where people did stuff because they were passionate about it, not for money, the fame, or for the clicks. A world wide web where everything felt new, one that wasn't as connected and as vast as it is today, but in a sense felt even more expansive than it is now. A time where it was truly the wild west on the internet, where you had to dig for whatever niche you wanted to explore.

Neocities is a place where that sentiment is encouraged.

So, in an attempt to recapture that ever fleeting bastion of the internet, I created this site. A place where I can live in that world.

I hope you enjoy your stay on this little piece of the internet.