Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak

"Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak" is not my kind of game at all. Originally released for the Game Boy Advance, the only reason I decided to pick this game up was that it was not only produced by Shigeru Miyamoto, but also Satoru Iwata.
Ham-Ham Heartbreak is a sequel to "Hamtaro: Ham-Hams Unite!", the final Nintendo published game on the Gameboy Color. As a sequel, you'll notice that the gameplay is pretty much the same. Gameplay being a dictionary based system where you learn words to communicate and preform different actions in game. One notable addition is that Bijou gets to tag along for the adventure! So naturally, a lot of the story revolves around solving other hamster's problems. Healing the hearbreak of other Ham-Hams!
Unfortunately this game hasn't been re-released just yet, and it's not the cheapest game to pick up second-hand, but if you can find a copy, it's a fun quick little game. Roughly 10 hours to do everything, but you might need a guide because I got stuck quite a bit.