The Last Blade 2

After playing "The Last Blade" I naturally had to check out the sequel, "The Last Blade 2".
Known in Japan as "Bakumatsu Rouman Dai Ni Maku: Gekka no Kenshi - Tsuki ni Saku Hana, Chiri Yuku Hana" which translates to "Curtain Closing Romance Act II: Swordsman of the Moon Flower - On the Moon a Flower Blooming, a Petal Falling", you won't find another game with that amazing of a title. It literally is a haiku which is the coolest thing ever.
What really sold me on this game was the description I heard about the main antagonist in an episode of Friday Night Fisticuffs. "The last boss of the first game, the demon within him came out, possessed a baby and forced it to grow up and it became [Setsuna]. So he goes to the best sword-smith in all of Japan, and then forces him to make the sickest blade he's ever made. It takes him 3 months and then he dies cause of how sick the blade is. Before he dies he calls the blade [Eighty Days Unwillingly Harbored Blade]. His daughter is then like why did you make this blade so sick, now I gotta find this guy. Meanwhile, the guy is walking across Japan in a straight line destroying everything in his path because he's a demon."
If that doesn't immediately sell you on this game, nothing will. It's pretty much the same as the first game, taking place a year later. While there are a few other differences in gameplay, and I think "The Last Blade 2" might just edge out the first game for me. I mostly play as Akari Ichijou and she's such a fun character. I'll have to play a lot more to get to a competitive level.