Pokémon HeartGold

The last time I played Pokémon HeartGold was in 2013. I remember eagerly looking out the window waiting for the mailman to drop off the games at my doorstep. Luckily the saves were still intact so I can see I started playing on July 6th, 2013 at 8:16 PM. I entered the Hall of Fame a couple of weeks later on the 22nd, and that's where my journey stopped. I got two more badges that same day and haven't touched it since.
So after I beat Pokémon Platinum, I took my time through through Johto. It took about 3 months for me to fully beat Red, but man I know HGSS are the best games in the series, but this confirms it. HeartGold and SoulSilver are some of the best games in the franchise. It feels like so much love and care were put into these games. Being able to visit a remastered Johto and Kanto is so cool.
A retro game store opened up by me as well and from them I was able to get a Pokéwalker which allows you to connect your DS game to a pedometer. You're able to gain extra xp, gain items, and even encounter some more Pokémon!
They really went all out with this release, and I'm so glad I played it.