Pokémon Platinum

I spent hundreds of hours in Pokémon FireRed, and even more in Pokémon Pearl. Unfortunately I ended up losing that save to some game breaking glitches which was devastating as a kid. I think that led me to straying away from the franchise for a few years as it wasn't until Pokémon White 2 where I resumed playing the games. And while I did pick up Platinum along with Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, it turns out I picked up a fake Platinum. Luckily a retro game store opened up by me in May of 2024 so I managed to pick up a legit copy and I'm so happy with it.
However, despite knowing the cartridge I had was fake, I decided to playthrough the game. The last time I visited Sinnoh was on release, and while I've seen others play through the game, I figure that I should beat it as I want a Living Dex. So I started playing Platinum in late December 2023, and it only took 3 weeks to beat the game.
I had a great time playing through Sinnoh. It had been well over a decade since I first stepped foot into generation 4 and despite the many flaws, I really did enjoy it. I've still got plenty of post-game things to do, but I'll get to that in time.