Pokémon Sapphire

After beating Pokémon Ruby I wanted to challenge myself a bit. Realistically the only thing I was missing from my Ruby playthrough would be the version exclusives. This means that I was down 8 Pokémon, a starter, and a fossil. While playing through Emerald, I knew that I would be cleaning the rest of the game up. So I figured I might as well just beat Sapphire as fast as possible,
So that's what I did! The same day I beat Ruby, I started playing through Sapphire. As I was playing on an emulator, I used speed up to get through the game and just went from main objective to main objective. While Ruby took me 113 hours, Sapphire took me 6 hours and 45 minutes.
It was fun playing through it! I think real time it was maybe 3 hours to beat. While pretty much the same as Ruby, it's nice to just have this game beaten.