Xiaolin Showdown

"Xiaolin Showdown" is a weird show. It originally aired on "Kids' WB" which also featured a bunch of anime along with Cartoon Network shows. I swear it aired on Fox at some point but after minimal research, I can't confirm this. "Xiaolin Showdown" was a staple Saturday morning cartoon that I thought aired on Fox. I remember seeing shows like Kirby, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Static Shock, Sonic X, airing along side it. During the bumpers during the advertisement blocks, I always wondered who this weird yellow kid was. Eventually I began watching it on Cartoon Network, and while I mostly remember some episodes, there's no way I saw them in order.
"Xiaolin Showdown" features four Xiaolin warriors in training and their adventures to collect magical artifacts called Shen Gong Wu. With the help of a size-shifting dragon, the gang races to collect these artifacts before their enemy, Jack Spicer, gets to them first. When two people try and collect a "Shen Gong Wu" at the same time, it begins to glow and both parties enter a Xiaolin Showdown. After wagering at least one Shen Gong Wu per party, any number of people can enter a showdown in a winner takes all challenge.
This has quickly become one of the shows I watch when I run on the elliptical. It's a pretty good show all things considered with some solid jokes, themes, and animation. The art style holds up quite well and I can understand why I really liked this as a kid.