Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma

"Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma" is the black sheep of the Zero Escape series. It's the final entry in the series and shares many elements with 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Door and Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward.
"Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma" was originally a 3DS and PS Vita game much like Virtue's Last Reward. And one again, you'll notice some familiar themes, characters, and gameplay. You're once again in a life or death situation, but this time, there are no branching paths. The story is told in "fragments" meaning that you can play each part in whatever order you want. You'll be able to unlock more and more parts, and flesh out the story more and more.
This game is so much more gorier and gruesome than the previous entries. It does not pull it's punches. Series creator "Kotaro Uchikoshi", knew that this would be the last game in the series so not only did he want to tie up any loose ends, he wanted to make sure that the violence was turned up to 11.
Despite the high praise the game gets, it's generally considered to be the worst in the series. Many fans will tell you to just not play this game after finishing up the first two games, but this game is absolutely insane and I think that you should play it if you played the previous ones.
Check out my thoughts on 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Door and Zero Time Dilemma.